Showing 426 - 450 of 821 Results
Voice of the Rod : A Sermon, Delivered at Albany, May 14, 1841, the Day of the National Fast... by Sprague, William Buell 1795... ISBN: 9781373560926 List Price: $19.95
Voice of the Rod : A Sermon, Delivered at Albany, May 14, 1841, the Day of the National Fast... by Sprague, William Buell 1795... ISBN: 9781373560919 List Price: $9.95
Religion and Rank : A Sermon Addressed to the Second Presbyterian Congregation in Albany, Fe... by Sprague, William Buell 1795... ISBN: 9781373922632 List Price: $10.95
Lectures to Young People by Sprague, William B. (Willia... ISBN: 9781374206601 List Price: $16.95
Sermon Preached in the Second Presbyterian Church, Albany, Sabbath Evening, May 11, 1834 ...... by Sprague, William Buell 1795... ISBN: 9781374432475 List Price: $9.95
A Sermon Preached on Wednesday Evening, July 11, 1855, at the Installation of the REV. Dunca... by Sprague, William Buell, Wil... ISBN: 9781333953799 List Price: $7.97
Lectures to Young People by Sprague, William Buell 1795... ISBN: 9781363413638 List Price: $17.95
A Sermon Delivered on Wednesday Evening, June 21, 1854, at the Installation of the REV. E. S... by William Buell Sprague ISBN: 9780243240401 List Price: $9.57
Letters on Practical Subjects from a Clergyman of New England to His Daughter (Classic Reprint) by William Buell Sprague ISBN: 9780243280216 List Price: $9.57
Annals of the American Pulpit, or Commemorative Notices of Distinguished American Clergymen ... by William Buell Sprague ISBN: 9780243425334 List Price: $24.47
An Address Delivered in the South Dutch Church, Albany, October 6, 1829: On the Anniversary ... by William Buell Sprague ISBN: 9780243398089 List Price: $7.97
Annals of the American Pulpit, or Commemorative Notices of Distinguished American Clergymen ... by William Buell Sprague ISBN: 9780243439911 List Price: $23.97
Our Triennial Catalogue: A Discourse, Addressed to the Alumni of Yale College, at Their Annu... by William Buell Sprague ISBN: 9781358136122 List Price: $21.95
Voice of the Rod: A Sermon, Delivered at Albany, May 14, 1841, the Day of the National Fast,... by William Buell Sprague ISBN: 9781333383053 List Price: $7.97
An Address at the Opening of the New Edifice for the Howard Sunday School: On Sabbath Evenin... by William Buell Sprague ISBN: 9781357992293 List Price: $21.95
Visits to European Celebrities by William Buell Sprague ISBN: 9781358475153 List Price: $26.95
Lectures on Revivals of Religion by William Buell Sprague ISBN: 9781358725302 List Price: $28.95
The Life of Daniel Dana, Part 4 by William Buell Sprague, Will... ISBN: 9781358419928 List Price: $25.95
Lectures on Revivals of Religion by William Buell Sprague ISBN: 9781358581755 List Price: $28.95
Letters from Europe, in 1828: First Published in the New York Observer by William Buell Sprague ISBN: 9781357641962 List Price: $22.95
Religion and Rank: A Sermon Addressed to the Second Presbyterian Congregation in Albany, Feb... by William Buell Sprague ISBN: 9781359377418 List Price: $19.95
Memoir of the REV. Edward D. Griffin, D.D., Compiled Chiefly from His Own Writings by William Buell Sprague ISBN: 9781358542695 List Price: $25.95
Letters on Practical Subjects, from a Clergyman of New-England, to His Daughter by William Buell Sprague ISBN: 9781358862182 List Price: $23.95
An Address Delivered on the Evening of the Twenty Second of February, MDCCCXLVII. Before the... by William Buell Sprague ISBN: 9781359578471 List Price: $21.95
Lectures on Revivals of Religion by William Buell Sprague ISBN: 9781358530494 List Price: $29.95
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